If your Amazon seller account is blocked then you are faced with the harsh reality of not being able to use your account, and the inability to create a new account using the same credentials. Amazon’s way of authenticating and tracking identities is very formidable. It is able to restrict the person who uses the same address or same information from creating a new account. If your account is blocked that means you are restricted to continue any trading from your account. We all know how frustrating it is to find your Amazon account blocked without you having any idea of how it even happened.  Our Amazon Stealth guide, Amazon Ghost holds the key to handle this situation. Amazon Ghost was designed in such a way that anyone can follow and get their account back up and running in an easy to read and understand guide. You can save your online business from getting banned with the help of Amazon Ghost.

We all know that Amazon is one of the best options to earn money online. Many people across the globe are earning full time incomes through it! With the help of Amazon they are selling things and successfully earning from online business, while enjoying the comfort within the confines of their homes. Amazon is better, but is also stricter compared to eBay. Amazon blocks the user account that it finds guilty of violating its rules and regulations. This is really a serious matter as anyone can be a victim of Amazon account block. It is advisable to always remain cautious in order to avoid a blocked account. In addition, you can take certain measures to avoid Amazon from blocking your account. Two tips to prevent that from happening are:

Follow Amazon Policies – It is good to follow Amazon policies in order to maintain your Amazon account. All the rules and regulations related to online trading should be read carefully before starting an online business through Amazon.

Be Honest – If you actually want to grow and expand your trading business then it is advisable to adopt honesty. Maintaining transparency in the business is necessary to gain the respect of the customers. Doing honest business on Amazon is the best way to avoid account suspension. Always make sure to deliver same products that you highlight while trading, as this increases your integrity and helps you earn the trust of your buyers.

If your Amazon seller account was recently blocked, I highly recommend you read Amazon ghost (amazon stealth) guide to getting back on Amazon. It will teach yous step-by-step easy to follow instructions to get you back up and selling again in no time.

Good luck!

Originally posted 2011-01-21 18:23:39.